Mission Statement : CRC Ministries is dedicated to bringing freedom, wholeness, and healing through Jesus Christ to lost and broken people and to equip others to do the same.
Our Team
Greg Oliver
President & Prayer Team Leader
Lisa Freeman
CRC Chaplain, Media Coordinator, & Prayer Team Leader
email: 15lisaf13@gmil.com
Lee Fabling
CRC Prayer Appointment Scheduler & Team Leader
email: lfabling11@gmail.com
Lea Black
CRC Prayer Team Leader
Janice Dickson
CRC Prayer Team Leader/LPC
Daniel Hammond
CRC Prayer Team Leader
Tory Hart
CRC Prayer Team Leader
Donna Pluenneke
CRC Prayer Team Leader
Saceia Armstrong
CRC Prayer Team Member
Ken Freeman
CRC Prayer Team Member
Sandra Longoria Fortner
CRC Prayer Team Member
Lisa Gilbert
CRC Prayer Team Member
Will Hensel
CRC Prayer Team Member
Michelle Key
CRC Prayer Team Member
Sheryl Knight
CRC Prayer Team Member
Julie Levett
CRC Prayer Team Member
Priscilla Pinon
CRC Prayer Team Member
Mary Alice Pruessner
CRC Prayer Team Member
email: MAP.CRC2022@gmail.com
Jennifer Quintinsky
CRC Prayer Team Member
Theresa Summerford
CRC Prayer Team Member
Angie Treadway
CRC Prayer Team Member
Bob Zabierek
CRC Prayer Team Member
Board of Directors
Terry Deckard Randy Dickson Ray Hurlbut Doug Shaffer
“O Lord my God, I cried out to You,
And You healed me.”
Psalm 30:2
Birthed in February 2014, Christ Restoration Center Ministries (CRC Ministries) is a city-wide resource established, through the power of Jesus Christ, to heal, equip, and transform those in Houston and the surrounding area through healing prayer centers, ministry training, and specialized areas of ministry.
CRC Ministries bridges all denominations, churches, and ministries and welcomes partnerships with all who believe in the Lordship of Jesus Christ and in the present-day ministry of the Holy Spirit.
CRC Ministries was led to offer inner healing that goes to the root of life issues and invites God’s healing and restoration. This approach reaps deep, thorough healing and breaks the chains that the enemy has set; be it addiction, illness, behaviors, or life styles that are counter to God’s master plan.
"I was very blessed and feel free of a lot! I received revelations on some issues that are cleared up now. "
How We Work
Our prayer appointments are scheduled weeks in advance, sometimes many weeks in advance. A team of 2 or 3 prayer team members are assigned and begin praying in advance of the appointment for you, our "Beloved".
Upon arrival, the prayer team leader will explain the process, including what to expect, that it is safe and fully confidential, and that we are coaching you in the prayers to God. Usually the appointment lasts about 3 1/2 hours (some shorter, others longer). God is the healer! This approach has brought incredible healing (emotional, spiritual, and physical) and does not require you to re-experience trauma or pain from the past.
Most people leave with a new found freedom, healing, lightness, clarity, and joy!! Thanks to God!